Smile the smile you wish to see in this world

When we are confronted with negativity, be it in the news, the world or other people, we have a choice how to respond.
We can either let our happiness, our light, our energy be diminished by succumbing to fear, anger or despair, or we can choose, again and again, to BE the light we wish to see in this world (adapted from Ghandi: ‘Be the change you wish to see in this world.’).
We can choose to be courageous. To have the courage to be our authentic self. We can choose to spread joy, compassion, laughter, wherever we go to everyone who will accept it.

TV, internet and radio are very one-dimensional channels leaning towards sensationalism and negativity, that can seriously distort your view of the world anyway. Imagine if the news would regularly feature items such as: ‘Today, mrs. Brown made a serious breakthrough in her spiritual growth’ , ‘Kitty was adopted from the animals shelter,’ or ‘Breaking news! Two lovers who lost track of each other united at last!’

Every day, whenever I am confronted with rude, negative behaviour I remind myself: ‘Smile the smile you wish to see in this world!’ and in no time, I attract people who are on the same wavelength.

Let’s choose fun, love and freedom over fear. You know you want to ☺

5 thoughts on “Smile the smile you wish to see in this world

  1. I agree with you. We must be on ‘guard’. You searched and were discriminate to find the best image to display (above) to impress your feelings. It is also necessary to pick and choose which programs if any, to watch.
    There may or may not be anything of any value.

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