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Incarnated angels – are you one? Traits and challenges of angels on earth

I assumed for years that human beings all choose more or less the same incarnation route: we are all part of the Source, blissful and undifferentiated. Then we choose the way of individuation and self-development by seemingly separating from Source and taking up the journey from Unity consciousness to Duality, which is often experienced as a shock, and incarnate as human beings. Imagine my surprise … Continue reading Incarnated angels – are you one? Traits and challenges of angels on earth

Why we judge and how we can stop it and live from the heart

This article also appeared on nieuwetijdskind.com! Scroll down for the Dutch version ♥ Loving ourselves and others unconditionally is the best thing we can do for our own health and happiness and that of the world. To love and appreciate who you are, who the other is, flaws and all, is a quick road to manifesting love, peace and abundance. Judging yourself, nit-picking at yourself, … Continue reading Why we judge and how we can stop it and live from the heart